Our Values

As a company, we are constantly reminded of the unfaltering values that bring us where we are today and continue improving to create a better version of ourselves. Two domains of guiding principles bring out the best of Eastern Mark — client- and employment-based. 

In the former, we aim to build a long-lasting, symbiotic relationship with every client, built upon trust and excellence in our R&D and manufacturing expertise. Our customer-oriented service reflects our conviction that we will succeed through the success of our clients. Together, we can create optimal products and deliver their visions through close collaboration and communication. 

The latter is to take care of our employees, who truly are the backbone of Eastern Mark.  Garment manufacturing is a labor-intensive industry, and we rely on our garment workers to meet the demands of our clients. We do not believe in capitalizing gains by compromising our workers' health and financial wellbeing, which includes providing safe working conditions, reasonable wages, benefits, and hours. We value our garment workers like skilled professional tradesmen because we rely on experienced workers to produce quality products that meet our benchmark. We have established and maintained a mutually trusted and sustainable employment dynamic within Eastern Mark.

As a leading garment manufacturer, Eastern Mark is committed to set a high standard for our fellow companies in the supply chain sector to enhance collective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), promoting a more humane future for the garment industry. The following list is conditions we have promised our garment workers guided by the United Nations, Fair Wear Foundation, Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), and Global Security Verification (GSV).

We are certified by Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) and Fear Wear Foundation(FWF).